We are ... a growing Information Technology(IT) consultancy based in Mumbai and Mangalore that offers solutions to small businesses, nonprofit organizations and individuals.
Whether you're looking to add style and functionality to an existing web site or starting from scratch, we can provide everything you need to establish and maintain your online presence. We handle all the necessary details including planning assistance, design, construction, implementation, promotion, and ongoing site maintenance. We take the mystery out of getting you online...
*is built on the skills of its team members, which totals to more than 30 man year experience in IT. We pride ourselves on our wonderful diversity of ideas, designs, and our solutions. So, whether you are looking for a professional internet presence for your business, an e-business solution, logo creation, cd cover design, or event flier design, electronic portfolio, printing...and more, * is the right option for you.
*is ready to meet your needs in becoming part of the global internet community.
Kindly note that our simple site and all the new sites that we develop, strictly adhere to WEB.2.0 standards for web developmen & atleast LEVEL 1 of WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative )[www.w3.org/WAI/]complience.